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Girls’ School

Year 10


Head of Year 10:     Mrs T Fairman

Senior Link:             Miss C Bevan, Assistant Headteacher

Form Tutors:

  • 10A – Mrs C Liddle and Mrs EJ Qureshi
  • 10B – Mr P Wood
  • 10C – Ms V Shearing
  • 10D – Miss l Third
  • 10E – Mrs P Bateman
  • 10F – Miss M Neveu and Ms M Selfa-Murillo

Year 10 signifies the beginning of your child’s GCSE journey and the start of their future. We know this future will look different for each individual, with the next two years of education playing a vital role in securing your daughter’s goals and ambitions. By providing support, encouraging high attendance and maintaining effective communication with school, you will be able to assist your daughter through her GCSE’s.

Please find on this page revision tips and our homework timetable to get your daughter off to a flying start.

Expectations for Year 10 Girls

Be Prepared

Students should arrive to lesson promptly with all the necessary work and equipment.

Students are expected to ensure homework and coursework deadlines are being met.

Be Proactive

Students are encouraged to take action and responsibility for their studies with support from their teachers.

Students should be proactive in asking for extra support if necessary.

Students should feel encouraged to complete wider research on topics that interest them as well as participating in extra-curricular activities to support their well-being.

Be Positive

Students are encouraged to be resilient and are expected to come to school with a positive work ethic, placing them in the best position to achieve their goals.

Students are expected to follow our school values of Courage, Commitment and Compassion around school and model this to younger year groups.

Maintain High Attendance

Students are expected to maintain high attendance throughout the academic year, providing them with the best opportunity to fulfil their potential.

Year 10 – Weekly Form Time Programme


  • Notices/Silent Reading/Planner signing


  • Pastoral Programme


  • Assembly


  • Personalised learning support


  •  Current Affairs/Mindfulness



  • Students are expected to be sat in their form room by 8:40 a.m. Please ensure students stand when you enter the room, and again if any other members of staff enter the room.
  • Take the register promptly.
  • Check uniform and the Essential 6:

          The Essential 6 are pieces of equipment that all students should have every day. These are:

          1. Calculator

          2. Planner

          3. Pen

          4. Pencil

          5. Green pen

          6. Reading book

  • Admin: notices, room changes, absence notes etc.
  • Complete pupil infringement sheets. Please sanction as follows:
  • 3 ticks (any category: detention after school on Tuesdays for 30 minutes, any further infringement that half-term, 1 hour after school detention with Leadership on Wednesdays

Year 10 Information Evening

Year 10 end of year examinations revision information