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Girls’ School

Year 7


Head of Year: Mrs Alana Holmes

Leadership Team Link: Mrs S. Nuttycombe, Assistant Headteacher

Form Tutors

  • 7A  -  Miss M Chapman
  • 7B  -  Miss T Matzik and Mrs A Smith
  • 7C  -  Mrs G Berkeley
  • 7D -  Mrs V Hine
  • 7E  -  Miss E Keen
  • 7F  -  Mrs Y Zeb

Expectations for Year 7 Girls

To work hard in all subjects and to achieve your very best.
To be a friendly and supportive to your Year 7 peers.
To participate in a minimum of two extra-curricular and inter-house activities.
To become a valued member of the school community.
To maintain a friendly atmosphere around the school.

Weekly Form Time Programme


  • Discuss ‘Thought for the Week’
  • Notices/preparation for the week ahead


  • Assembly - Main Hall


  • Sign Planners 
  • Silent Reading 


  • • Pastoral Programme


  • Current affairs Quiz


  • Student are expected to be sat in their form room by 8:40am. Please ensure students stand when you enter the room, and again if any other members of staff enter the room.
  • Take the register promptly.
  • Check uniform.
  • Admin: notices, room changes, absence notes etc.
  • Complete pupil infringement sheets. Please sanction as follows:

➢ 3 ticks (any category, with the exception of lates for the first half-term only): detention with FT on Tuesday, any further infringement that half-term, 50mins after school on Wednesday with Middle Leaders.