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Girls’ School

Sixth Form Pastoral Care

Sixth Form is a crucial time as students prepare for examinations and assessments which may shape their future for years to come.  It is the first time they have been given so much independence to manage their own workload and the autonomy to make important decisions about their future.  We understand that, whilst it is an exciting time, it can also be challenging.  We take mental and physical wellbeing very seriously and have a comprehensive pastoral structure in place throughout the school.  All staff operate an open-door policy and students know they can raise any concerns or issues with any member of staff.  Each Sixth Form student has access to the Student Focus Centre on site and a team of staff supporting them, including:

  • Head of Sixth Form
  • Heads of Year
  • Form Tutors
  • Sixth Form Learning Mentor

Our pastoral programme, delivered every week by Form Tutors, includes a diverse and appropriate range of topics including relationships, stress management, self-esteem, staying healthy and democracy.  With the support of the Student Focus Centre, and through their partnership with the local counselling service No. 22, we are able to offer workshops and structured support for any student who is experiencing anxiety due to workload or exam pressure.