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Girls’ School

Religious Studies

Our vision is that students will develop their own sense of identity and belonging within today’s pluralistic society. The study of religion and beliefs is designed to develop student’s knowledge and understanding of the moral and social issues in contemporary society. 

Students are encouraged to be reflective, compassionate, and respectful thinkers who consider big questions such as the purpose and value of life. Exploring religious and secular beliefs and practices is aimed at being inclusive, enjoyable, thought-provoking and enriching.

We embrace the challenging depth and breadth of the subject. Teaching an ambitious curriculum that prioritises the core elements of religion, philosophy and ethics helps to prepare students for adult life.

The curriculum follows the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education Pan-Berkshire 2018 – 2023.  Two main aims of RE stated within the syllabus are to learn about religion and to learn from religion. Students will acquire and develop ‘knowledge and understanding of Christianity, other principal religions and world views’ and will develop ‘understanding of religions and beliefs, teachings, practices and forms of expression’ and their influence on communities.