Enrichment Opportunities
This year we are delighted to introduce a dedicated enrichment session for all students in Year 12 on a Wednesday. This provides students with a rounded, culturally rich education through activities that enhance their learning. We offer opportunities to try new and varied activities that may not strictly fit into the curriculum, but that develop character, resilience and motivation, and encourage students to pursue wider goals. More information can be found in the document below.
All Sixth Form students have the opportunity to enjoy a wide-range of extra-curricular activities including:
- Sixth Form Bulletin Editorial Team
- Gold Duke of Edinburgh
- OxBridge preparation and links with Dr Organ from Brasenose College, Oxford University
- Inspirational speakers
- National Citizen Service – NCS
- Sixth Form Book Club
- School trips
Each year new clubs and societies spring up, many created and run by our Sixth Form: all the evidence shows that well-rounded students who pursue interests alongside their studies are the happiest and most successful, both academically and in other aspects of their lives.
Sixth Form students are superb role models and, as such, have the opportunity to become leaders as soon as they enter Sixth Form. We encourage everyone to consider applying to become a Prefect, Sports or Music Captain, Deputy Head Girl or Head Girl. There will also be opportunities to become House Captains and subject leaders next year, all of which contribute to rich and varied leadership pathways for you.